Beatrice is either teething or going through some kind of growth spurt and wow has it messed with her baby juju. She’s usually very laid back and it’s easy to tell what she needs. Stimulation, food, sleep, or a diaper change. The last two days she’s gone through major sleep regression from sleeping through the night to randomly waking up at midnight clearly still tired, but too irked to go back to sleep for at least another hour. She’s also been fighting naps which isn’t like her at all and stuck to either my boob or her teething ring 24/7.

It got to the point yesterday that Brandon had to give her formula while I ate because she’d been stuck to me all day and nothing was coming out because I was dehydrated and had only eaten a piece of toast. It’s really strange she hasn’t acted this way since she was a month old. I think it may be teething but I have no idea. I don’t think she’s due for another leap yet she’s five and a half months at this point.

I bought an amber teething necklace and one of those mesh feeders to put frozen breast milk in.The necklace isn’t here yet, but the mesh feeder is a god send. Though I definitely have to supervise when she’s using it because somehow she figured out how to open it. If this is teething when it’s all over I’ll write a blog about what’s helped and what was totally useless.

Oh the joys of being a first time mom I just want my baby to be happy again.It doesn’t help that we’ve been snowed in since Saturday and Beatrice absolutely loves going out, but it’s slippery, cold, and super snowy out. It’s suppose to get up to 49 degrees today so maybe the snow will melt some and we’ll be able to go to the library at least.

Despite all that I’m starting to feel better. I’ve been doing some stretches to help my back and despite the random wake ups at night I’m still getting more sleep than I got working full time. Now if I can just get used to my new meds and eat regularly I might feel 100% human again.